Demo 3 - WW1 & WW2 1909-1944.
V/42 |
Mars raised to his highest belfry,
Will withdraw the Allobrox under France:
The Lombardian people will get so big a fright,
Of them of the eagle gathered under the Libra.
Astrological Time Pictures and The Prophecy, 942 Verses & Explanations etc. Come inside! If You want to see more!
1998 O.Vincent,DK
X/72 |
The year thousand nine hundred ninety-nine seven months
From heaven will come a grand King of fright
Resurrect the grand King from Angolmois.
Before & after Mars reign by good luck.
When a grand 'King' from heaven comes, about 2-3 week after, the 'King' from Angolmois will resurrect.
(Angol-mois: The Angel-moon in year 1991 and Russia resurrect).
Ever since the 23. Oct. 1963